Where can I buy and test Focal products ?

You can find and experience Focal products in various locations, taking into account your preferences and location.

  • Focal has a worldwide network of official dealers where you can request a product demonstration. To find a dealer near you, please refer to the following link : Find a reseller.

  • In the Focal Powered by Naim areas, you have access to the full range of products. You can request a product demonstration in optimal conditions (listening areas and rooms, headphone bars). To locate a Focal Powered by Naim store near you, please refer to the following link : Focal Powered by Naim.

  • Focal takes part in specialist audio trade fairs and events. Taking part in these events gives you the opportunity to discover first-hand the performance of the brand's innovations and it is generally possible to place orders for products.

Online sites specialising in high-end audio may have a selection of Focal products.

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- What is a Focal Powered by Naim store ?


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